The Three Steps of Building an ASP.NET Validator Control

Credit Card Number ASP.NET Validator

The standard ASP.NET validator controls such as the RequiredFieldValidator or the RegularExpressionValidator do not cover all validation requirements, so usually developers tend to create a CustomValidator for such scenarios.

A major problem with the CustomValidator is reusability, as if you wanted to use the validator in another project then there would be some copying and pasting and code duplication, then you have to maintain multiple versions of the same control.

The solution, as you have guessed from the title, is to build your own validator control when possible to promote reusability.

In this post I will be showing you in three simple steps how to build an ASP.NET validator control and take credit card number format check to show by example. I will also be building the architecture so that your validator and other validators that you will develop in the future could be as reusable as possible.

How to Check a Credit Card Format

Luhn check is an algorithm that checks if a credit card number is valid (format wise), so in practice, before you even think of doing any further processing on the credit card, this check should be satisfied.

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Three rules that ASP.NET developers should know about SEO


Search engines optimisation, SEO, is an evolving ‘science’ and it keeps changing on purpose. Most articles that I read which involve both SEO and ASP.NET usually focus on how to programatically set the meta keywords tag and they tend to make it look like very important while, as of today, it has minimal effect on optimisation.

Generally, web developers tend to turn the blind eye when it comes to SEO while a great part of SEO should be done by developers. Here are three rules for .NET developers to follow while building a site:

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Two ASP.NET/VS 2008 performance tricks that even Microsoft didn't know!

Visual Studio 2008 Perofrmance

Visual Studio 2008 is a huge resources consumer, it takes long to load then long to open your solution, long to run it and debug it. I have been using it for more than a year now after setting VS 2005 to retirement. I have VS 2008 set on a high perforamce Vista Business laptop with 2GB of memory.

While working with ASP.NET on VS 2008 my colleagues and myself started to notice some patterns when running or debugging a web project that will improve performance rapidally. Tricks that do really work and we laugh every time they work at how silly they are.

Here are two interesting tips that we encountered:

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