Pragmatic Deep Learning Model for Forex Forecasting with Multi-Step Prediction

This is my post on Towards AI on building an LSTM Deep Learning model that can predict the market:
This is my post on Towards AI on building an LSTM Deep Learning model that can predict the market:
In year 2000 I started writing code professionally while at uni, before that I was writing code as a hobby. I was fascinated by all the best practices I should follow: I shouldn’t use HTML tables for design; they are horrible, I shouldn’t write JavaScript inside my HTML I should do it obtrusively, I should not do database business logic in my code, I would violate the separation layers and I will mix business logic with database logic etc… Fast forward two decades later, I learned to take everything I hear with a pinch of salt!
They tell you do it; it is good; they tell you not; it isn’t then they change their mind a few years later, then again and again.
They say the coat doesn’t make the man, I say the right quote can make a developer punch above the waistline. In this post, I selected a group of my favourite keywords which make me smile and think “nerd” every time I hear one.
This is a sample implementation of ASP.NET MVC4, MongoDB and Ninject to act as a starting template if you are going to use these technologies in your project with a CQRS pattern.
If most of these terms look unfamiliar then this post is probably not for you: CQRS, Repository, Aggregate (of DDD), NuGet, Unit Testing, Dependency Injection, Document DB. Due to the scope of this post, I won’t be able to go in details in any of these topics as this is a direct implementation.
Greg Young did a few paragraphs intro on CQRS here: CQRS, Task Based UIs, Event Sourcing agh, if you want a simple intro I recommend at least reading the first half of Greg’s post (before the Event Sourcing).
In this post, I mean the plain-CQRS pattern and not the whole patterns that are associated with CQRS. Plain CQRS opens the door for other patterns such as Event Sourcing and ES is usually associated with CQRS. This is the plain CQRS with no other associated pattern.
Microsoft is doing a good job in shipping standard front-end libraries with Visual Studio 2012 “ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application” and “ASP.NET Web Forms Application” templates, they are raising the bar for the .NET web developers.
The VS template is a good starting base, however, I have been adding the libraries of this post to every new web project, they act as a completion to the ones shipped with VS and I wanted to share them with you.