The OCP or “The Open Closed Principle” is the popular “O” from the SOLID principles of Object-Oriented Design.
As an architect consultant working in London, I get a question about SOLID, every other interview. As usually the interview is about an hour, I answer the question by an out-of-the-textbook type of answer, otherwise, the interview will span for hours. I keep my opinions for myself and I am a happy puppy.
Unit testing per se is a controversial topic, what you should unit test is another controversial topic. The topic of this post started by a short conversation during a .NET London Group meeting back in 2010, I thought about it and then gave it more thoughts, I started using it in my projects, then now I have enough experience to share my thoughts. Here is my opinion, if you agree or disagree, then please do comment.
Let me first define the terms that I will be referring to:
Presentation Code: Is the minimal code in a view that is necessary to display visual elements, but does not take any business decision. This is a fictional simple example:
// Business Logic Code. This code understands how the business works// (don't do this)if(Model.IsMonthly&&!Model.IsPaid&&Model.Payment>=12&&...){<p>Somewarningmessage</p>}// Presentation Code. This code is only concerned with whether to// show or hide a UI element.if(Model.ShouldWarn){<p>Somewarningmessage</p>}
Fat-Razor: I’ve coined this term to define ASP.NET Razor views with a lot of Razor/C# code that is not presentation code. This is about the Razor/C# code specifically and not about HTML/CSS/JS.
Model: This is an overloaded term. However, in this context, it is an object of data representation such as a record in the database.
Viewmodel: They are data transfer objects that are meant to be view-specific and to carry exactly what the view needs, no less and no more. Generally, viewmodels are non-reusable and each vm is meant to to be tightly coupled to one view, however, there are exceptions depending on what you are doing.
To give you a flavour of a model and a viewmodel:
// An example of a modelpublicclassPerson{publicGuidPersonId{get;set;}publicstringFirstName{get;set;}publicstringLastName{get;set;}publicshortYearOfBirth{get;set;}publicDateTimeLastAuth{get;set;}// This might represent a one-to-many db relationshippublicOrder[]Orders{get;set;}}// An example of a viewmodelpublicclassProfileViewModel{// Doesn't necessarily need an id// Combined first and last namepublicstringName{get;set;}// Calculated from YearOfBirthpublicshortAge{get;set;}// E.g. "One day ago" and constructed from LastAuthpublicstringLastSeen{get;set;}// Calculated by projections on OrderspublicshortNumberOfAllOrders{get;set;}publicshortNumberOfUndeliveredOrders{get;set;}}
N.B.Throughout this post I am using Excel 2010 and Visual Studio 2010.
Writing a UDF in VBA to be exposed to Excel cells is straight forward, just write the function in a VBA module and Bob’s your uncle. However, it is slightly trickier to expose your functions to Excel in a managed language, such as C# or F#.
Speaking to the audience about JustGiving's RESTful APIs
Charity Hack is an annual event held and sponsored by PayPal UK at their venue in Richmond, London on a Saturday and a Sunday. It is an event where developers from different backgrounds are invited and introduced to different charity-relaled organisations APIs where developers are encouraged to hack useful apps using these APIs.
We introduced, as JustGiving, our new RESTful APIs and demonstrated how to use them.
Having a discussion with JustGiving developers (back to camera)